查看完整版本: 職場如何禮貌的說不 (英語篇)
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aric308 發表於 2019-5-23 04:01 PM

職場如何禮貌的說不 (英語篇)

職場如何禮貌的說不 (英語篇)
1. I can't do it right now, but maybe later.我現在辦不了,可能過幾天吧。2. Unfortunately, I've had a few things coming up.真不巧,我手邊剛好有一些事。3. I'm trying to focus on finishing off something.我正忙著處理一些其他的事情呢。4. Sorry but that isn't my strong suit.不好意思,那個不是我的強項。5. I'm sure you will do fine on your own.我相信你自己可以做好的。6. I'm afraid I'm in the middle of something.我有別的事情要做。7. I can't help right now, but I'm happy to help you with something else later.這會兒我幫不上忙,不過以後有事我很願意幫你。8. I really don't enjoy that kind of activity.我不喜歡那樣的活動。9. I'm sorry, but I have an emergency to attend to.不好意思,我有個急事要處理。
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totoyangson 發表於 2019-5-23 06:24 PM

Thanks your share by the job and office to learning and application.

st5521jj 發表於 2019-5-25 10:07 PM


hbgf12344 發表於 2019-5-26 02:40 PM

totoyangson 發表於 2019-5-23 08:24 PM static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks your share by the job and office to learning and application.


Thank you for sharing such useful information that can be applied in the working environment.  ...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

pattern73 發表於 2019-5-26 06:55 PM


totoyangson 發表於 2019-5-27 12:17 AM

hbgf12344 發表於 2019-5-26 02:40 PM static/image/common/back.gif


感謝指正及指導, 謝謝你]~~~

hihans 發表於 2019-5-28 10:02 AM

Too thanks your sharing the data for learning, they are nice data for learning.Thanks again~~

rockygirl911 發表於 2019-7-25 02:21 AM


liddi 發表於 2019-7-30 08:51 PM

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